July saw Copenhagen taken over by skateboarders across the globe to battle it out for a purse prize worth up to $40,000. All the heavy weights were there: Nassim Guammaz, Ishod Wair, Luan Oliveira and Evan Smith. The competition was on fire (quite literally). The Danish capital provided different spots each day for the skating to take place, with locations including Refshale Island, The Meatpacking District and the world’s oldest theme park, Tivoli. A D.I.Y plaza was constructed at Tivoli specifically for the Open and CPH Skatepark was reconstructed just days before the event.
Carlos Ribeiro won the Copenhagen Open, with Luan Oliveira coming in at second place and Louie Lopez at third.
Take a scroll through the photos below to see what went down at the five-day tournament. Oh, and there's also footage of skaters jumping through a flaming heart for your viewing. No skaters were hurt during filming, FYI.

Check out the Ring of Fire at Faelledparken: